# Useful state of the art
(xx) = commercial or dependant on commercial infrastructure as a service. Mostly here for inspiration.
## Similar projects (collaborative spaces/KB/Groupware)
- [PeerGos](https://peergos.org/) : Control your data. Control your destiny. Your private space online. A p2p, secure file storage, social network and application protocol | [code](https://github.com/peergos/peergos) | [[HN](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20001580)]
- [Kune](https://github.com/comunes/kune) : federated collaborative social network with online real-time collaborative editing (based on Apache Wave [which never reached a full release and was discontinued on 15 January 2018]), and decentralized social networking and web publishing, while focusing on workgroups. [It is used by many alternative movements and projects](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kune_(software)). supported by [comunes.org](https://comunes.org/)
* [Bonfire](https://bonfirenetworks.org/) : Federated social networking toolkits for communities and individuals to design, operate and control their digital lives. Friendly to our political agenda, as the architect of it, `jjl` states: "End capitalism.“ on his github profile. Have a look at his team: [zo.team](https://zo.team/)
* [SafeNetwork](https://safenetwork.org/) : decentralized data storage and communications network using the spare computing resources of its users. compatible with Solid (they say) [info](https://safenetwork.tech/)
* [Earthstar](https://github.com/earthstar-project/earthstar) : A distributed, syncable document database for making p2p apps | [comparisons](https://github.com/earthstar-project/earthstar#comparisons) | Does not have CRDTs.
* [Human Programming Interface](https://github.com/karlicoss/HPI) : “I'm using HPI (Human Programming Interface) package as a means of unifying, accessing and interacting with all of my personal data.”
* [m-ld](https://m-ld.org/) : decentralized linked data | [specs](https://spec.m-ld.org/) | [doc](https://m-ld.org/doc/) | the author [explains here how it relates to crdt](https://forum.solidproject.org/t/application-of-crdts-to-solid/3321/7)
* [Jupyter Notebooks](https://blog.jupyter.org/how-we-made-jupyter-notebooks-collaborative-with-yjs-b8dff6a9d8af) : seems a bit overkill for our usecase. more suited for scientific papers
* [Cattaz](https://github.com/FujitsuLaboratories/cattaz): Realtime collaborative tool which can run custom applications in a Wiki page (OT based)
* [Nextcloud](https://github.com/nextcloud): live collab is based on OnlyOffice. We know NextCloud is [implementing Solid](https://nlnet.nl/project/Solid-NextCloud/)
* [Athens Research](https://github.com/athensresearch/athens) : knowledge graph that helps individuals and organizations solve complex problems by enabling them to capture, compose, and recombine ideas. (git based)
* [Fidus Writer](https://www.fiduswriter.org/) : The all in one solution for collaborative academic writing. Academic citations. Collaborative editing. Multiple publishing solutions. Export as PDF, EPUB or HTML | [code](https://github.com/fiduswriter/fiduswriter)
* [org-roam](https://www.orgroam.com/) : A plain-text personal knowledge management system | [code](https://github.com/org-roam/org-roam)
* [Tracim](https://github.com/tracim/tracim) Threads, files and pages with status and full history. All in the same place.
* [Tools for Thought](https://www.forthought.tools/) : a discord group about those new tools
* ([Cozy cloud](https://cozy.io/)) A smart personal cloud to gather all your data
* ([Muse](https://museapp.com/)) Your tool for thought. Muse is a spatial canvas for your research notes, reading, sketches, screenshots, and bookmarks. Because deep thinking doesn’t happen in front of a computer.
* ([Scratchpad](https://scratchpad.com/)) combines sales notes, spreadsheets, tasks, Kanban boards, search, collaboration, and sales process adherence in one simple and intuitive workspace
* ([todoist](https://todoist.com/)) Organize it all with Todoist
* ([OneNote](https://www.onenote.com/)) Microsoft Free-form note-taking app for personal computers and smartphones
* ([Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/)) a powerful knowledge base on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files.
* ([Nuclino](https://www.nuclino.com)) A lightweight real-time wiki [built on top of ProseMirror](https://discuss.prosemirror.net/t/nuclino-a-lightweight-real-time-wiki-built-on-top-of-prosemirror/146/4) (commercial, not OSS)
* ([Serenity notes](https://www.serenity.re/en/notes)) End-to-end encrypted collaborative notes (Commercial)
* ([Room.sh](https://room.sh/)) The Better Way to Meeting
* ([Nimbus.notes](https://nimbusweb.me/features.php#collaboration)) commercial
* ([Slite](https://slite.com)) commercial
* ([Microsoft Loop](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-loop)) is an online collaboration platform that Microsoft is developing. Loop was officially announced on 2 November 2021.
* ([Evernote](https://evernote.com/)) Remember everything and tackle any project with your notes, tasks, and schedule all in one place.
* ([Roam research](https://roamresearch.com/)) A note-taking tool for networked thought.
* ([Documize](https://www.documize.com/)) Modern Confluence alternative. Has a [community version](https://github.com/documize/community)
## Document editors
see the article about [Why we use Outline](/doc/why-we-use-outline-2YqCU3NLmm) that has a survey of the live collaboration editors.
More info can be entered here below if needed.
* [Ethercalc](https://github.com/audreyt/ethercalc) : web spreadsheet with collaboration
* [overleaf](https://www.overleaf.com/) : The easy to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor | [code](https://github.com/overleaf/overleaf)
* Hedgedoc
## Markup formats for documents
### Markdown
* [CommonMark](https://commonmark.org/help/) arkdown specs
#### Markdown extensions
* [MyST](https://myst-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) "MyST is a rich and extensible flavor of Markdown meant for technical documentation and publishing."
- [CodiMD](https://www.markdownguide.org/tools/codimd/) extended markdown | [more info](https://hackmd.io/c/codimd-documentation/%2F%40codimd%2Fextra-supported-syntax)
* [GFM](https://github.github.com/gfm/)
- [Applications and components that support Markdown.](https://www.markdownguide.org/tools/)
- [MultiMarkdown MMD](https://fletcher.github.io/MultiMarkdown-6/MMD_Users_Guide.html) [info](https://fletcherpenney.net/multimarkdown/)
### Markdown structured data extensions
* yaml frontmatter
* [markdown-ld](https://github.com/ozekik/markdown-ld/blob/master/SPEC.md) simple syntax for humans to write RDF Linked Data in Markdown
* [SMD](https://jibe-b.github.io/project/smd/) : extension on the Markdown syntax that enables to embbed markup needed to couple linear writing and RDF triples
* [RDF in Markdown/ReStructuredText](https://www.reddit.com/r/semanticweb/comments/2n2jvl/rdf_in_markdownrestructuredtext_how_to_store/)
* [Metadata for markdown / MkDocs](https://blogs.pjjk.net/phil/metadata-for-markdown-mkdocs/)
* [Semantic Markdown Specifications](http://blog.sparna.fr/2020/02/20/semantic-markdown/)
* [Semantic Markdown](https://github.com/sbmsuite/roundpin/wiki/Semantic-Markdown) (similar to RDFa)
### TeX
* Latex
### Mediawiki ...
* [MediaWiki](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki)
- [AsciiDoc](https://asciidoc.org/)
- RestructuredText
- [Wiki.js MD format](https://docs.requarks.io/editors/markdown)
- pandoc MD extensions : [video](https://github.com/unmanbearpig/pandoc-videofilter)
- [Semantic MediaWiki](https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Introduction_to_Semantic_MediaWiki)
* [SAM](https://mbakeranalecta.github.io/sam/index.html) : semantic authoring markup - semantic data inside plain text
* convert into slides : [how pandoc is doing it](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#slide-shows) using [S5](https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/), [DZSlides](https://paulrouget.com/dzslides/), [Slidy](https://www.w3.org/Talks/Tools/Slidy2/), __[Slideous](https://goessner.net/articles/slideous/)__, or [reveal.js](https://revealjs.com/)
* slides: [shwr.me](https://shwr.me/) no MD
* [turndown](https://mixmark-io.github.io/turndown/): convert html to MD | [code](https://github.com/mixmark-io/turndown)
* web[ODF](https://webodf.org/) : JavaScript library that makes it easy to add Open Document Format (ODF) support to your website and to your mobile or desktop application. | [code](https://github.com/webodf/WebODF)
## Annotations / commenting
* [Web Annotation](https://www.w3.org/annotation/) from W3C
* [Hypothesis server](https://web.hypothes.is/) : Annotate the web, with anyone, anywhere.
* [Notes for an annotation SDK / Hypothesis server](https://blog.jonudell.net/2021/09/03/notes-for-an-annotation-sdk/) | [source code](https://github.com/judell/MinimalHypothesisServer) | [h_notify](https://github.com/judell/h_notify)
* [WebMention](https://indieweb.org/Webmention) is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web.
* ([Memex](https://memex.garden/)) : local-first knowledge platform. Curate, annotate and discuss the web. As individuals, teams and communities. [code](https://github.com/austinvhuang/openmemex)
* [Fidus Writer](https://www.fiduswriter.org/) : have a look at how they implemented it.
* Outline is working on it. see [working doc](https://app.getoutline.com/share/79435f04-c5f3-4a74-8e6f-af5607e5d69d) & [issue](https://github.com/outline/outline/issues/457)
* CodiMD has comments
* [Coral](https://github.com/coralproject/talk) : open-source commenting platform
* [Commento](https://commento.io/) : a fast, privacy-focused commenting platform | [code](https://gitlab.com/commento/commento)
## Browser / web archive
* [Nyxt](https://nyxt.atlas.engineer/) the hacker's power-browser | [article](https://ag91.github.io/blog/2021/10/29/emacs-with-nyxt-capturing-youtube-links-at-time-and-molding-nyxt-with-js/)
* [Memento](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memento_Project) making Web-archived content more readily discoverable.
* [Webrecorder](https://webrecorder.net/) | [live here](https://conifer.rhizome.org/)
## Tasks / Kanban
* ([WorkflowY](https://workflowy.com/)) : Notes,Tasks,Projects All in a Single Place.
* [BulletNotes](https://gitlab.com/NickBusey/BulletNotes) : Personal Knowledgebase, Note Taking, Scheduling
* [Focalboard](https://www.focalboard.com/) : open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana. | [code](https://github.com/mattermost/focalboard)
* ([Notion](https://www.notion.so/)) : One workspace. Every team
* (trello)
* ([Asana](https://asana.com/)) Asana is a web and mobile application designed to help teams organize, track, and manage their work
* [PushPin](https://github.com/automerge/pushpin) : A collaborative corkboard app (automerge)
* [taiga.io](http://taiga.io)
* [wekan](https://github.com/wekan/wekan/wiki/Features) Open-source Trello-like kanban
* [mattermost.com](http://mattermost.com)
* [connect wekan with mattermost](https://github.com/0x0-cx/wekan-mattermost)
* [kanbana](https://github.com/SrGMC/kanbana) : create boards to track users and projects from flat markdown files that render as Kanban boards
* [Planka](https://planka.app/) : kanban with MD and real time collaboration. has comments, also in MD | [code](https://github.com/plankanban/planka)
* [Vikunja](https://vikunja.io/) : todo app to organize your life | [code](https://kolaente.dev/vikunja/)
## Maps
* [Peermaps](https://peermaps.org/) : a distributed, offline-friendly alternative to commercial map providers such as google maps. Instead of fetching data from a centralized tile service, your computer fetches map data from other peers across the network.
* [OpenTripPlanner](https://www.opentripplanner.org/) Multimodal trip planning software based on OpenStreetMap and GTFS | [code](https://github.com/opentripplanner/OpenTripPlanner)
* [Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM)](http://project-osrm.org/) : routing engine designed to run on OpenStreetMap | [code](https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend)
* [osm-p2p](https://github.com/digidem/osm-p2p) : High-level p2p OpenStreetMap database for node and the browser
* __[Nominatim OpenStreetMap](https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/)__ to display OSM maps inside documents, like CodiMD is doing. [geo-coding](https://nominatim.org/) | [code](https://github.com/osm-search/Nominatim)
* [Mapeo](https://www.digital-democracy.org/mapeo/) from Digital Democracy | [code](https://github.com/digidem/)
* [Mapus](https://github.com/alyssaxuu/mapus): Maps with real-time collaboration
* [uMap](https://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/) : Create maps with OpenStreetMap layers in a minute and embed them in your site. | [code](https://github.com/umap-project/umap)
* [Pure Maps](https://openrepos.net/content/rinigus/pure-maps) map and navigation application with offline mode | [code](https://github.com/rinigus/pure-maps)
* [Maps for wikimedia](https://maps.extension.wiki/wiki/Maps_for_MediaWiki)
* [GraphHopper](https://graphhopper.com/) fast routing library and server using OpenStreetMap | [code](https://github.com/graphhopper/graphhopper)
* [TileServer GL](https://tileserver.readthedocs.io/): Vector and raster maps with GL styles | [code](https://github.com/maptiler/tileserver-gl)
## Events / Contact / Scheduling / Polls
* [Mobilizon](https://mobilizon.org/): A federated tool that helps you find, create and organise events and groups.| [code](https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon/)
* Nextcloud has a calenar and scheduling tool
* [Sogo](https://www.sogo.nu/) : Share your calendars, address books and mails in your community with a completely free and open source solution.
* [rallly.co](http://rallly.co) Rallly lets you and your friends vote on a date to host an event | [code](https://github.com/lukevella/Rallly)
* [croodle](https://github.com/jelhan/croodle) : web application to schedule a date or to do a poll on a general topics.
* [fider](https://getfider.com/) : Open platform to collect and prioritize feedback | [code](https://github.com/getfider/fider)
* [gancio](https://framagit.org/les/gancio) : a shared agenda for local communities (with activitypub support)
## Video
* peertube
* [dtube](https://d.tube/)
## Diagrams, Charts, Visualisation
* [Yworks](https://www.yworks.com/) collaborative diagrams | [code](https://github.com/orgs/yWorks/repositories)
* [draw.io](https://app.diagrams.net) / [diagrams.net](https://www.diagrams.net/) | [code](https://github.com/jgraph/drawio)
* let's do like CodiMD that supports all of those:
* [sequence diagrams](https://bramp.github.io/js-sequence-diagrams/)
* [flowcharts](https://flowchart.js.org/) | [TUIeditor charts](https://github.com/nhn/tui.editor/tree/master/plugins/chart)
* [graphviz](http://viz-js.com/)
* [Mermaid](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid)
* [abc.js music notation](https://www.abcjs.net/)
* [vega-lite](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/)
* [plantUML](https://github.com/markushedvall/plantuml-encoder)
* [fretboard](https://github.com/birdca/fretboard) guitar tabs [codimd doc](https://hackmd.io/c/codimd-documentation/%2F%40docs%2Ffretboard-syntax)
## Infinite canvas
* ([Miro](https://miro.com/)) The online collaborative whiteboard platform to bring teams together, anytime, anywhere. Has offline capabilities
* [hotglue.me](https://hotglue.me/): unique tool for web publishing & internet samizdat | [code](https://github.com/hotglue/hotglue2)
* [Spacedeck](https://spacedeck.com/) : a web based, real time, collaborative whiteboard application with rich media support. [code](https://github.com/spacedeck/spacedeck-open)
* design document "Glossary (Zine, Platform)” by `upsiflu` in [PDF](https://file.nextgraph.org/download/1e1b1e4940501f5bc84eb89cbbf7e7ee) or [ODT](https://file.nextgraph.org/download/23162496ce98ad6638bd0e551bc0c8ab)
* [WBO](https://github.com/lovasoa/whitebophir) : Online collaborative Whiteboard that is simple, free, easy to use and to deploy
## PinBoards (cards on a canvas)
* [Capstone](https://www.inkandswitch.com/capstone/)
* [Ankiweb](https://apps.ankiweb.net/) Powerful, intelligent flash cards. Remembering things just became much easier | [code](https://github.com/ankitects/anki)
## Semantic visual maps and graphs
* [juggl.io](https://juggl.io) An interactive, stylable and expandable graph view for Obsidian. Juggl is designed as an advanced 'local' graph view, where you can juggle all your thoughts with ease. [code](https://github.com/HEmile/juggl)
* [dmx.berlin](https://dmx.berlin/) free and open source semantic data platform. You can author, map, explore and share networked information with meaningful relationships. [semantic storage + associative data model](https://dmx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/devel.html#associative-model-of-data), REST, no RDF
* [Cotoami](https://github.com/cotoami/cotoami) is a platform where people can weave a large network of wisdom from tiny ideas.
* [an Experimental Note-taking App Focusing on Connecting | by Cotoami Project](https://medium.com/@cotoami/cotoami-an-experimental-note-taking-app-focusing-on-connecting-734928d53d2c) (Medium)
* ([Muse](https://museapp.com/)) Your tool for thought. Muse is a spatial canvas for your research notes, reading, sketches, screenshots, and bookmarks. Because deep thinking doesn’t happen in front of a computer.
* ([Kumu](https://kumu.io/)) easy to organize complex data into relationship maps that are beautiful to look at and a pleasure to use.
* ([Graph Commons](https://graphcommons.com/)) Transform your data into interactive maps, untangle complex relations that impact you and your communities.
* ([Gingko](https://gingkoapp.com/)) [Gingko writer](https://gingkowriter.com/) | [repo](https://github.com/gingko)
* [Metamaps](https://metamaps.cc/) is a free and open source platform that supports real-time sense-making, distributed collaboration, and the creative intelligence of individuals, organizations and communities. [code](https://github.com/metamaps/metamaps) | stalled development
* [Little Sis](https://github.com/public-accountability/littlesis-rails) / [Oliographer](https://github.com/public-accountability/oligrapher) : JavaScript app for displaying annotated network graphs based on data from LittleSis
* [markmap-lib](https://markmap.js.org/) CodiMD uses this to render mindmap
* [mindmaps](https://github.com/drichard/mindmaps)
* [my-mind](https://github.com/ondras/my-mind)
* [WebVOWL](http://vowl.visualdataweb.org/webvowl.html): Web-based Visualization of Ontologies | [code](https://github.com/VisualDataWeb/WebVOWL)
## Marketplace / e-commerce
* [OpenBazaar](https://github.com/openbazaar)
## Publishing / Wiki
* [Gatsby](https://www.gatsbyjs.com/why-gatsby/) : Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React | [code](https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby)
* [Teedy](https://teedy.io/) : Lightweight document management system packed with all the features you can expect from big expensive solutions | [code](https://github.com/sismics/docs)
* [Mayan EDMS](https://www.mayan-edms.com/) Free Open Source Document Management System.
* [Building a Public Garden](https://github.com/MaggieAppleton/digital-gardeners) / Digital gardeners
* [Hyperdraft](https://hyperdraft.rosano.ca/) : Turn your text notes into a website.
* [Emanote](https://github.com/srid/emanote) : Zettelkasten style note editing and publishing
* [Fedwiki](http://fed.wiki.org/) : Federated wiki of [Ward Cunningham](http://forage.ward.fed.wiki.org/ward-cunningham.html) - [code](https://github.com/fedwiki)
* [BookStack](https://www.bookstackapp.com/): self-hosted wiki, easy-to-use platform for organising and storing information. [code](https://github.com/BookStackApp/BookStack)
* [wiki.js](https://js.wiki/) The most powerful and extensible open source Wiki software | [code](https://github.com/Requarks/wiki)
* [writefreely](https://writefreely.org/) : A clean, Markdown-based publishing platform made for writers. Write together, and build a community. | [code](https://github.com/writefreely/writefreely)
* Documentation generators: mdbook, doctave, docsify, docusaurus, gitbook, [jekyll theme](https://github.com/tomjoht/documentation-theme-jekyll), [hugo book](https://github.com/alex-shpak/hugo-book)
* [TiddlyWiki](https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5)
* git based/diff:
* [pandoc](https://pandoc.org/)
* [gollum](https://github.com/gollum/gollum) : A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend. based on pandoc
* [Manubot](https://github.com/manubot/manubot) is more for academic papers anyway
* [dendron.io](https://www.dendron.so/)
* Zettlr, Logseq, Athens Research
* anagora
* [Lume – A static site generator for Deno 🔥](https://lumeland.github.io/)
* [YAML - Lume – A static site generator for Deno 🔥](https://lumeland.github.io/core/yaml/)
## Print publishing
* [PubPub](https://www.pubpub.org/): The open-source, community-led, end-to-end publishing platform for knowledge communities. [code](https://github.com/pubpub/pubpub)
* [Fidus Writer](https://www.fiduswriter.org/): seee section : similar projects above
* [Pressbooks](https://pressbooks.org/) WordPress | [code](https://github.com/pressbooks/pressbooks) Open publishing. Open web. Open source | [Pressbooks Directory](https://pressbooks.directory/)
## Conference/event management system
* [frab](https://frab.github.io/frab/) web-based conference planning and management system. It helps to collect submissions, to manage talks and speakers and to create a schedule.
* [indico](https://getindico.io/) : The effortless open-source tool for event organisation, archival and collaboration
* [PKP](https://pkp.sfu.ca/ocs/) : Open Conference Systems (OCS) is a free Web publishing tool that will create a complete Web presence for your scholarly conference
* [OSEM](https://osem.io/) : Event Management App Tailored to Free Software Conferences | [code](https://github.com/openSUSE/osem)
* [PreTalx](https://pretalx.com) : [code](https://github.com/pretalx/pretalx)
* [hitobito](https://hitobito.com/en) : managing members, events and more | [code](https://github.com/hitobito/hitobito)
* [Open Event Server](https://github.com/fossasia/open-event-server) : enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meet-ups. | [code](https://github.com/fossasia/open-event-server)
## Science
* [libscie](https://libscie.org/) / Hypergraph (ResearchEquals)
* [Metanorma](https://www.metanorma.org/) : an open-source framework for writing & publishing standardization documents
* [ScienceFair](https://github.com/sciencefair-land/sciencefair) : stalled
* [Invenio](https://inveniosoftware.org/) : Powering Open Science
* [Doc Maps](https://docmaps.knowledgefutures.org/) : framework for capturing valuable context about the processes used to create documents in a machine-readable way | [article](https://docmaps.knowledgefutures.org/pub/bwem5bja/release/1)
* ([Pre talx](https://pretalx.com/p/about/)) : From Call for Papers to schedule – build your conference!
* ([Authorea](https://www.authorea.com/)) : Open Research collaboration and publishing (commercial, SaaS)
* [Jupyter Notebooks](https://blog.jupyter.org/how-we-made-jupyter-notebooks-collaborative-with-yjs-b8dff6a9d8af) : scientific papers
* [stencila](https://stenci.la/) : an office suite for reproducible research | [code](https://github.com/stencila)
* [LimeSurvey](https://www.limesurvey.org/) : Feature-rich Open Source web based polling software. Supports extensive survey logic. | [code](https://github.com/LimeSurvey/LimeSurvey)
## Learning platform
* <https://metacademy.org/> [code](https://github.com/metacademy/metacademy-application)
* <https://learn-anything.xyz/> [code](https://github.com/learn-anything/learn-anything) links in graphs
* <https://learnawesome.org/> [code](https://github.com/learn-awesome/learn) links, categorised
* <https://www.lesswrong.com/> [code](https://github.com/LessWrong2/Lesswrong2) longform
## Low code environments
* [Corteza](https://cortezaproject.org/) Low Code platform for building your organisation’s key applications, growing its productivity and protecting its data and the privacy
* [noflo](https://noflojs.org/): Flow-Based Programming for JavaScript
* [budibase](https://budibase.com/): low-code platform for creating internal apps in minutes | [code](https://github.com/Budibase/budibase)
* [baserow](https://baserow.io/): no-code database and Airtable alternative | [code](https://gitlab.com/bramw/baserow)
* ([airtable](https://www.airtable.com/)) Connect everything. Achieve anything.
* [nocodb](https://docs.nocodb.com/) NoCode platform that turns any database into a smart spreadsheet. Another Airtable alternative | [code](https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb)
* [grist](https://www.getgrist.com/): The Evolution of Spreadsheets | [code](https://github.com/gristlabs/grist-core/)
* [nodered](https://nodered.org/): Low-code programming for event-driven applications
* [Punya](https://punya.mit.edu/) Building Mobile Semantic Web Apps
* [Strapi](https://strapi.io/) : Headless CMS to allow Developers as well as Content Creators to Unleash Content | [code](https://github.com/strapi/)
* [keystone](https://keystonejs.com/) : The most powerful headless CMS for Node.js — built with GraphQL and React | [code](https://github.com/keystonejs/keystone)
* [Lowdefy - Build internal tools with YAML | Lowdefy - Build internal tools with YAML](https://lowdefy.com/)
* [code](https://github.com/lowdefy/lowdefy)
## Programming
* [Forgefed](https://forgefed.peers.community/) federation protocol for enabling interoperability between version control services. based on ActivityPub | [code](https://github.com/forgefed/forgefed)
* [Forgefriend](https://forgefriends.org/) allow every Free Software developer to use their favorite forge to contribute to software projects hosted on other forges
* [Radicle](https://radicle.xyz/) : Secure peer-to-peer code collaboration without intermediaries.git on p2p | [code](https://github.com/radicle-dev)
* [git-ssb](https://scuttlebot.io/apis/community/git-ssb.html) : git on scuttlebutt | [intro](https://github.com/hackergrrl/git-ssb-intro)
* Editors: Codemirror, Atom, Monaco, [Ace](https://ace.c9.io/)
* [codesandbox](https://github.com/codesandbox/codesandbox-client) : An online IDE for rapid web development
* [fossil-scm](https://fossil-scm.org/) : git based repositories of code, wiki, tickets, forum, chat, technotes.
## Computing
* [Fluence](https://fluence.network/) Peer-to-peer computing protocol and licensing system [code](https://github.com/fluencelabs/fluence)
* [SafeNetwork](https://safenetwork.org/) : decentralized data storage and communications network using the spare computing resources of its users. compatible with Solid (they say) [info](https://safenetwork.tech/)
* [Farm](https://github.com/inkandswitch/farm)
## Search
* [Babelia](https://babelia.one/), a search engine for the commons.
* [YaCy](https://yacy.net/) : P2P search engine
* [PeARS](https://github.com/PeARSearch) (Peer-to-peer Agent for Reciprocated Search) is a lightweight, distributed search engine.
* [Ambar](https://ambar.cloud) - Document Search Engine (OCR, Store & Search). ([Demo](https://app.ambar.cloud/), [Source Code](https://github.com/RD17/ambar)) `MIT` `Nodejs/Python`
* [Gigablast](https://www.gigablast.com/) - open source search engine. ([Source Code](https://github.com/gigablast/open-source-search-engine)) `Apache-2.0` `C++`
* [Jina](https://github.com/jina-ai/jina/) - Cloud-native neural search framework for any kind of data. `MIT` `Python`
* [MeiliSearch](https://meilisearch.com) - Ultra relevant, instant and typo-tolerant full-text search API. ([Source Code](https://github.com/meilisearch/MeiliSearch)) `MIT` `Rust`
## Distributed social network
* [Project Liberty](https://www.projectliberty.io/technology/) and [DSNP decentralized social networking protocol](https://www.dsnp.org/dev-portal-introduction/) | [specs](https://spec.dsnp.org/) | [code](https://github.com/LibertyDSNP)
* [Planetary](https://www.planetary.social) based on scuttlebutt / [manyverse](https://www.manyver.se/) is the android / iOS app
## Translation
* [Open source – Matecat](https://site.matecat.com/open-source/) MateCat is an AI driven translation tool for language industry professionals. Matecat makes machine translation post-editing and project outsourcing easy. [code](https://github.com/matecat/MateCat)
## Chat
* [XMPP](https://takebackourtech.org/xmpp-comeback/) [[HN]](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29256618)
* [Berty](https://berty.tech/) : secure chat on IPFS
* Matrix / Element
* Gitter that will soon merge into Element
* [Cabal](https://cabal.chat/) : experimental p2p community chat platform
* [BitMessage](https://wiki.bitmessage.org/)
* IRC libera.chat
* (Slack)
* Mattermost
* [Movim](https://movim.eu/) : fully featured chat web application based on XMPP, OMEMO, video conf calls | [code](https://github.com/movim/movim)
* [list of XMPP clients supporting OMEMO](https://omemo.top/) : [Xabber](https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-web), [Converse.js](https://conversejs.org/), [JSXC](https://github.com/jsxc/jsxc),
* [JSXC](https://www.jsxc.org/) : Real-time xmpp chat application with video calls, file transfer and encrypted communication. used in nextcloud.
* [Zulip](https://zulip.com/): Zulip server and web app—powerful open source team chat | [code](https://github.com/zulip/zulip)
* [talkYard](https://www.talkyard.io/) : chat and commenting, Q&A KB (a-la stackoverflow), Ideation | [code](https://github.com/debiki/talkyard)
* [Scoold](https://scoold.com/) : Q&A KB | [code](https://github.com/Erudika/scoold) java
## Video call / conference
* [openvidu](https://openvidu.io)
* jitsi
* <https://git.coop/meet> based on [bigbluebutton](https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton)
* [Galène videoconference server](https://galene.org/) | [code](https://github.com/jech/galene)
## Semantic web
* [LinkedDataHub](https://github.com/AtomGraph/LinkedDataHub) (LDH) is an open source software you can use to manage data, create visualizations and build apps on RDF Knowledge Graphs.
* [TerminusDB](https://terminusdb.com) in Rust. where Datalog, RDF and Git meet. storage is done with [terminus_store](https://docs.rs/terminus-store/latest/terminus_store/#/terminus_store/) | [code](https://github.com/terminusdb/terminusdb-store)
* [semapps](https://semapps.org)
* [Trellis](https://github.com/trellis-ldp/trellis)
* [rdf-form](https://forum.solidproject.org/t/rdf-form-prototype-for-rdf-to-html-form/3457/3)
* [Page forms (wikimedia)](https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Page_Forms)
* [node-quadstore](https://github.com/beautifulinteractions/node-quadstore) : A LevelDB-backed graph database for Node.js and the browser supporting SPARQL queries and the RDF/JS interface.
* [LinkedOpenActors](https://linkedopenactors.org/#introduction)
* [link-lib](https://github.com/rescribet/link-lib) React and Linked data (also [link-redux](https://github.com/rescribet/link-redux))
* [CubicWeb](https://www.cubicweb.org/) semantic web application framework for building web applications by reusing components (called cubes) and following the well known object-oriented design principles.
* [Darcy](https://darcy.is/) : Social media done proper. implements solid [code](https://github.com/Darcy-Social)
## Data ownership
* [0data](https://0data.app/) : "Own your data, all of it.“ - a dose of Solid and another one of IPFS.
* [unhosted apps](http://unhosted.org/apps/) : or serverless apps
* [no backend](https://nobackend.org/)
* [Solid](https://solidproject.org/)
* [remoteStorage](https://remotestorage.io/)
* [Fission](https://fission.codes/)
* [Cobox](https://docs.cobox.cloud/) : encrypted shared folder made available by P2P seeders. Build on DAT. [Comes with hardware](https://cobox.cloud/how-it-works)
* [Perkeep](https://perkeep.org/) : formats, protocols, and software for modeling, storing, searching, sharing and synchronizing data
* [Retroshare](https://retroshare.cc/) : Retroshare creates encrypted connections to your friends. Nobody can spy on you. Retroshare is completely decentralized. This means there are no central servers
* [P2Pcollab summary](https://gitlab.com/p2pcollab/org/-/blob/master/wiki/data/crdt.org)
* [nikitavoloboev's curated list](https://wiki.nikitavoloboev.xyz/distributed-systems/crdt)
* Automerge
* Yjs
* Gun (is it really CRDT? I have never been really conviced by his work)
* simple proof-of-concept [reference implementations](https://github.com/josephg/reference-crdts) of yjs, automerge and sync9's **list types** - all implemented in the same codebase.
* [AntidoteDB](https://github.com/antidotedb) : highly available, transactional database built on CRDT technology (got some EU funding)
* [GitHub and Memo](https://github.com/atom-archive/xray/tree/master/memo_core) : Real-time collaboration for Git
* [CRDT benchmark](https://github.com/dmonad/crdt-benchmarks) : brings Yjs as the winner over automerge
* [Convergence Labs: Helping teams build effective collaborative software](https://github.com/convergencelabs/) (CRDT+OT+Diff)
## P2P
- [P2Pcollab summary](https://gitlab.com/p2pcollab/org/-/blob/master/wiki/proto/p2p.org)
* [Peer-to-peer](https://git.sr.ht/~amirouche/peer-to-peer) by Amirouche Boubekki. this library describe the primitives for a peer-to-peer network that can be used to implement networked applications that do not require a central server to work. It offers the building blocks to create decentralized applications.
* [Dendrite](https://github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/blob/master/build/docker/DendriteJS.Dockerfile), the server of matrix, goes P2P ?
* [dat](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20162199) / hypercore
* secure Scuttlebutt
* BitTorrent (Kademlia DHT)
* [Sia](https://sia.tech/) : Sia combines a peer-to-peer network with blockchain technology to create the world's first decentralized storage platform.
* [WireHub](https://github.com/gawen/WireHub) : Decentralized, peer-to-peer and secure overlay networks
* [OpenDHT](https://github.com/savoirfairelinux/opendht)
* [Tezos P2P lib](https://tezos.gitlab.io/shell/p2p.html)
## P2P + CRDT
* [hypermerge](https://github.com/automerge/hypermerge) : automerge + DAT
* [Spritely](https://spritelyproject.org/) / [CapTP](http://erights.org/elib/distrib/captp/index.html) / [OcapPub](https://gitlab.com/spritely/ocappub/-/blob/master/README.org)
* [zcap-ld](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/zcap-ld) Authorization Capabilities for Linked Data | [specs](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/zcap-ld)
## Cryptography
* [P2Pcollab summary](https://gitlab.com/p2pcollab/org/-/blob/master/wiki/proto/crypto.org)
## Storage
* [LMDB](http://www.lmdb.tech/doc/)
* [OKDB](https://github.com/pre-srfi/okdb) by Amirouche
* [Encrypted object stores](https://gitlab.com/p2pcollab/org/-/blob/master/wiki/proto/store.org) - summary by P2Pcollab
* [Loki](https://grafana.com/oss/loki/) : horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus.
## Naming / Identity
* [Handshake](https://handshake.org/) : Decentralized naming and certificate authority
* [DID](https://w3c.github.io/did-core/)
* [Keybase](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keybase)
* [keys.pub](https://keys.pub/)
* [Upspin](https://github.com/upspin/upspin) : is an experimental project to build a framework for naming and sharing files and other data securely, uniformly, and globally: a global name system of sorts.
… [Awesome-Selfhosted](https://project-awesome.org/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted) has a great list of OSS solutions and I integrated the most interesting ones here.
# People
* [happybeing](https://forum.safedev.org/u/happybeing/summary) : lead developer of SafeNetwork
* [Ink & Switch](https://www.inkandswitch.com/) including Martin Kleppmann
* Arnold Schrijver [@solid](https://forum.solidproject.org/u/aschrijver) [@activitpub](https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/u/aschrijver) [circlebuilder](https://codeberg.org/teaserbot-labs/delightful-linked-data/issues/2)
* [Andy Matushak](https://andymatuschak.org/)
* Kevin Jahns [dmonad](https://discuss.prosemirror.net/u/dmonad/summary) : implements Yjs into ProseMirror
# Instances of platforms for activism
* [transiscope](https://transiscope.org/alternatives-web-portal/)
* [Public Lab](https://publiclab.org/)
* [wechange.de](https://wechange.de/)
* [stadtgestalten.org](https://stadtgestalten.org/)
* <https://kartevonmorgen.org/>
* <http://transformap.co/>
* <https://littlesis.org/>
* <https://ourproject.org/> Free Software and Free Knowledge for a Free Society